Welcome to our website! We are glad, so glad you are here. We pray that God will lead you to visit with us during our virtual services until we are able to reopen for in-person worship.
Because of God’s word, we believe “one makes a difference.” And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place” (Acts 2:1). There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is about all, and through all, and in you all. (Ephesians 4:4-6). We seek to elevate these truths as the central core value of our family identity. We believe our God will do even greater things when we are all on “one accord.”
As you visit our site, you will learn that we value our relationship with God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. It is through Him that we seek to strengthen our relationships with people both in and beyond our immediate community. We strive daily to be an enlightened beacon of hope and change in order to bring all persons to faith in Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior.
Your Servant Leader
Dr. Gerald L. Smith, Pastor
Welcome to our website! We are glad, so glad you are here. We pray that God will lead you to visit with us during our virtual services until we are able to reopen for in-person worship.
Because of God’s word, we believe “one makes a difference.” And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place” (Acts 2:1). There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is about all, and through all, and in you all. (Ephesians 4:4-6). We seek to elevate these truths as the central core value of our family identity. We believe our God will do even greater things when we are all on “one accord.”
As you visit our site, you will learn that we value our relationship with God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. It is through Him that we seek to strengthen our relationships with people both in and beyond our immediate community. We strive daily to be an enlightened beacon of hope and change in order to bring all persons to faith in Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior.
Your Servant Leader
Dr. Gerald L. Smith, Pastor
Online giving is fast and simple and secure, and you can give once or set-up a recurring gift.
Baptism Ministry:
Sis. Carolyn Graves, Chair
Assist in preparing candidates for baptismal.
Beautification Ministry:
Sis. Bonita Whitmore, Chair
Maintains the church grounds and sanctuary decorations both seasonally and for special occasions.
Children and Youth Ministry:
Sis. DeAnna Gentry, Chair
Partners with parents in walking side by side with every child teaching and sharing God’s love for them. Ages 3-17.
Compassionate Care Ministry:
Sis. Polly McRae, Chair
This ministry offers expressions of love, hope, and encouragement to members and their families. Through cards, flowers, telephone calls and other expressions of kindness, bereaved families, caregivers and persons sick and shut-in are ministered to during challenging times in their lives.
Culinary Ministry:
Sis. Nicole Worthy, Chair
Plans and prepares all meals at the church and determines food service needs.
Custodial Ministry:
Sis. Polly McRae and Deacon Larry McRae, Co-Chairs
Ensures a clean and welcoming appearance throughout all areas of the Church.
Deacons Ministry:
Deacon Thomas Mitchell, Chair
The deacons assist the pastor, address secular affairs in the church, visit the sick and shut-in members and serve the Lord’s Supper.
Sis. Kathryn Stephens, Chair
This ministry provides fellowship, programs and outings for our seasoned saints aged 70 and above. Saints complete a service project each year demonstrating their service to God by serving others.
Education Ministry:
Bro. Rufus Friday, Chair
Stresses the importance of education while encouraging students to pursue excellence at every level.
Hospitality Ministry:
Sis. Tabitha Ross & Sis. DeAnna Gentry, Co-Chairs
This ministry welcomes all guests to Pilgrim, directs them to church facilities, when necessary, makes sure morning and evening guest preachers have reserved parking and that they and their spouses are escorted to the Pastor's study prior to service. This ministry is also responsible for all hospitality needs during special events and dinners.
Marriage Ministry:
Sis. Melody Friday and Bro. Rufus Friday,
Sis. DeAnna Gentry and Bro. George Gentry, Sis. Tabitha Ross and Deacon Jimmy Ross,
Sis. Teresa Smith and Pastor Dr. Gerald L. Smith, Co-Chairs
This ministry seeks to enrich the strength and continued development of Christ-Centered marriages through bible discussions, retreats, and Christian fellowship.
Media Ministry:
Bro. Charles Cruse, Chair
Bro. Michael Coleman, Co-Chair
Operates and maintains the audio and visual ministry, produces recordings of worship services and other special programs and recommends appropriate devices that will enhance this ministry.
Men’s Ministry:
Deacon Thomas Mitchell, Chair
Teaches men to seek God's purpose in their lives. Men are encouraged to develop a brotherhood through fellowship, the word of God, prayer and community engagement.
Music Ministry:
Enhances worship services by providing music through song and instrument(s). This ministry teaches and prepares voices of praise.
New Members Ministry:
Sis. Michelle Brown, Chair
Welcomes new members into the local body (Pilgrim) and introduces them to the opportunities, privileges, and expectations significant to church membership.
Special Projects:
By Committee
Plans programs and outings for members of all age groups which includes the Church Picnic, Family and Friends Day, Church Anniversary and Pastoral Anniversary.
Sunday School Superintendent:
Deacon Thomas Mitchell
Promotes the study of God's word through biblical teaching. This ministry is also responsible for coordinating the annual Vacation Bible School.
Women and Men's Sunday School Class
Deacon Thomas Mitchell,
Deacon Larry McRae,
Min. Byron Gay
Sis. Julia Jones
Children's Class
Sis. Devonda Williams,
Sis. Gayle Cruse
Youth Class
Sis. Vontella Cavil,
Sis. Cornetta Harris
Transportation Ministry: (859) 252-3717
Bro. Larry Beatty, Chair
Coordinates transportation to church services and programs, maintains van service check-ups, and coordinates volunteers.
Trustee Ministry:
Trustees are responsible for maintaining church property and legal documents and serving as legal agents directed by the church. This ministry assists with the counting of weekly financial contributions and special offerings. In consultation with the Pastor, trustees also make recommendations on the church budget and improvements for the church grounds and buildings.
Ushers Ministry:
Bro. Enoch Elliott, Chair
Prepares the sanctuary for worship, collects offerings and assists all worshippers in experiencing blessed and orderly service. This ministry oversees reserved seating arrangements and provides visitor information materials following the welcoming of all guests. The ushers also make sure the sanctuary is in order following worship.
Women’s Ministry:
Sis. Julia Jones, Chairs
Provides opportunities for women to come together to fellowship and engage in interests and issues relevant to serve all women in the church and the community.